How to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategic planning?


Strategic planning is a key element in the management of a company. It allows you to define the company's long-term objectives and to implement actions to achieve these objectives. However, it is important to determine if your strategic planning is effective so that you can adjust it if necessary. Here are some tips to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategic planning!

Set measurable objectives

It's important to make sure your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). Here are 5 benefits of setting SMART goals:

1. Clarify expectations

By setting clear and specific goals, team members know exactly what they need to accomplish and by when. This eliminates the misunderstandings and frustrations associated with unclear expectations.

2. Measure progress

By establishing metrics for your goals, you can track progress and determine if you are on track to meet your goal.

3. Set priorities

By having clear and measurable goals, you can determine which goals are most important and focus on those.

4. Promote motivation

Clear, measurable goals allow team members to track their progress and see their own success. This can boost motivation and commitment.

5. Evaluate effectiveness

By having clear metrics for your goals, you can assess whether the strategies you have in place are effective and adjust them as needed.

Would you like to learn more about how to formulate effective and realistic SMART goals? The article How to formulate effective SMART goals? contains a lot of tips on the subject.

Track your key performance indicators (KPIs)

KPI's are measures that allow you to track your company's progress towards the set objectives. They can be financial (sales, profit, etc.) or non-financial (customer satisfaction, return rate, etc.). Here are 5 benefits of using them:

1. Measure results

KPIs allow you to measure actual results against your strategic objectives. They help you assess whether you are on track to achieve your goals and identify areas where you need to improve.

2. Make informed decisions

KPIs help you identify trends and patterns that affect your results and make informed decisions to improve your performance.

3. Communicate results

KPIs help you communicate results to your team and stakeholders. They allow you to see the progress of your strategic objectives and understand the impact of their actions on the results.

4. React quickly

By regularly monitoring your KPIs, you can quickly detect and respond to issues and opportunities.

5. Improve performance

By having key performance indicators, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and adjust your strategic planning to improve your results.

Hold regular follow-up meetings

It is important to hold regular follow-up meetings to discuss the progress of your projects towards your goals. Here are 5 benefits of follow-up meetings:

1. Maintain alignment

Regular follow-up meetings ensure that everyone is on the same page and working in the same direction to achieve the goals set.

2. Measure progress

Regular follow-up meetings are a way to measure progress against goals. They are also used to monitor the team's performance and take action to adjust the strategy if necessary.

3. Identify problems

They are also useful for quickly identifying problems and obstacles that may hinder the achievement of strategic objectives. They allow for quick solutions and action to be taken to resolve them.

4. Readjust strategy

They support informed team decision-making based on reliable data from strategic planning. Priorities and action plans can therefore be reviewed regularly in collaboration with all team members.

5. Foster collaboration

Follow-up meetings provide an opportunity to discuss problems and solutions and to work together to achieve goals.

Use strategic planning tracking tools

There are various tools that allow you to track your company's progress towards your goals. For example, some will be able to present your strategic planning and work plans to you in the form of an interactive dashboard to track KPIs and see in real time how you are progressing. Here are 5 benefits of using tracking tools:

1. Track progress

By having tools that allow you to measure your progress, you can assess whether you are on track to meet your goals and make informed decisions to adjust your planning if necessary.

2. Identify problems

By regularly tracking your performance indicators, you can spot trends that indicate problems and take action to address them before they become major issues.

3. Improve efficiency

Monitoring tools allow you to measure the effectiveness of your strategies. This allows you to adjust your planning to improve your results.

4. Facilitate communication

With accurate data to share, you can effectively communicate the results of your strategic planning to your stakeholders such as investors or government institutions.

5. Foster accountability

A tracking tool is one of the most effective ways to assign clear tasks and accountability to team members. Team members will even be able to indicate their progress independently.

Looking for a strategic planning tracking tool ?

Choose a platform that allows you to structure your way of working, facilitate collaboration within your team, simplify strategic management decisions and communicate results quickly and efficiently. Our planivore solution meets all these criteria. Start your free trial by clicking here.